On 16.01.13 20:08, Alex Barth wrote:

> My initial writeup could have been clearer: This RFC _does_ seek to replace 
> the currently recommended line "(c) OpenStreetMap contributors" linking to 
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright with a visual mark linking to a future 
> http://openstreetmap.org/contributors.

Attribution (which is what you talk about) consists of naming the author and the
license. Naming the author (expressis verbis: naming "OpenStreetMap
contributors") directly on the website is a good feature that shouldn't be
omitted. It stays there on screenshots and leaves no doubt that "it comes from 

BTW, I don't like your hammer & drop symbol (even don't see an explanation for 

The link serves as the second thing: naming the license. This is twofold:

- stating ODbL for the data
- stating CC BY-SA for the map tiles (especially for the default ones)

Of course, the link landing page (could read /copyright, /license --
/contributors for me seems not so good) could be made "more pleasant", could be
an overlay window etc.

Naming (for Austria) Wien, Vbg. and Tirol (plus the wording!) on /copyright was
requested by the CC BY license holders (which came from the fact that there
already were such attributions).


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