Am 03.02.2013 09:57, schrieb Robin Paulson:
On 2013-02-03 07:41, Jeff Meyer wrote:
was: geocoding trademark thread

I think Paweł has hit on a key question: does the OSMF have plans to
operate and lead OSM in a more efficient, organized manner or not?

what makes you think anyone wants to be lead, i certainly don't? or
wants to be organised from above? we're all fully functional human
beings, perfectly capable of organising ourselves, and doing a damn good
job so far - look at where OSM and most other digital commons projects
have got through self-organising.

i disagree with any idea of a board, i think it's utterly wrong, it
reduces a community of thousands to the views a handful of people can
put across.

Thank you, Robin.
Reading this is the sugar in my Sunday morning coffee and gives me back a lot of hope still to be a part of a free and open project.

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