On Feb 4, 2013, at 11:53 PM, Peter Wendorff wrote:

> Am 05.02.2013 08:15, schrieb Clifford Snow:
>> Third parties bring unique value to OSM. However, is it inconceivable that  
>> we might be able to offer something more than just a database? 
>> For example funded Software development has been done by companies like
>> CloudMade, MapQuest on a company budget, or Mapbox that applied for external
>> funding through the Knight foundation to develop OpenStreetMap software like
>> e.g. the iD editor.
>> This is great until these companies decide that they want us to map 
>> according to their rules.  If they are building the tools then we have lost 
>> the ability to set our directions. Now from what I've seen of the iD editor 
>> it's great. The point I'm trying to stress is that we should set our own 
>> path, not let others set it for us. We could still encourage others to build 
>> tools, but with the understanding of where we are headed.
> But who is "we" here? Who should decide how to "set our own path"? All 
> registered mappers? The OSMF board? Registered users? Active Mappers? What 
> are active mappers? Coders? Active coders? Wiki editors? Every of any of the 
> mentioned groups who is able to read, speak AND write English language?
> Whatever you choose as a "definition" for "we" here, it's very likely that 
> it's not better than what we have now: Everybody who want's to decide AND DO.
> Sure: that may be companies, and yes, it may have a bad taste that companies 
> influence how stuff is done in the "osm universe", but on the other hand you 
> could say the same about the JOSM or Potlatch maintainers, who influence 
> mapping practice a lot by deciding about tagging templates and the like.
> I think it's good that everyone, even a company, is able to use osm data as 
> well as to provide their users means to contribute back - by providing 
> "open-in-osm-editor"-links as well as by implementing their own editing 
> functionality (as long as it's done right).
> If you want "us" to "set our own path", I have to ask, what differs a 
> "better" "us" from the people currently setting up our path - many volunteers 
> coding JOSM, Potlatch and iD (even sponsored by Mapbox/Knight Foundation as 
> far as I know the iD dev people talk to and receive contributions by non-paid 
> volunteers).

I'd like to formally request a moratorium on scare quotes for the remainder of 
this thread.

Looking at you, "robin paulson."


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