I'd like to reaffirm the following statement:

> +1, that's what I wrote. I thought the only question we're still
discussing is how to deal with outdated outlines (better keep/ignore them
when outdated so maybe someone can update them, or simply delete them).

As I've said several times, I am looking at removing ways that clearly do
not serve a purpose. I am not looking at destroying others work, and if
they ways are still useful and are used, I'm not going to be the one to
mass edit them out of the database. I think that the question of what
should we remove and what should we leave has been completely lost. If you
check out my original posts, I have no desire to remove useful tools
(imagery ways) for mappers. My concern is figuring out an effective way of
removing outdated ways. No one has suggested a different approach than what
I suggested in the beginning (mainly contacting the ways creator to find
out whether they are still useful/correct) If the user still uses the ways,
than obviously I am not going to remove them! On the other hand, most of
the people I have contacted about the ways have thanked me for taking this
on and the ways were left in the database only as an oversight after a
previous mapping project!

Updating the database is clearly a big problem OSM faces, look at the
recent posts on stale data. This is the same thing! To use a metaphor, I'm
not wiping out a whole town here! I'm trying to ask locals what roads are
no longer around so I can remove them! That being said, I am looking
for constructive feedback on removing outdated features not a
mass response of "deleting anything is BAD!"

I hope that clears up my point of view and my aims for this endeavor.


On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 10:27 PM, Clifford Snow <cliff...@snowandsnow.us>wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 3:50 AM, Stephan Knauss <o...@stephans-server.de>wrote:
>> How much of your mapping shall I tolerate? It's always the same answer.
>> Pay respect to other mappers. If the data is of use to other mappers,
>> respect it. Even if you would not map it this way.
>> I personally thing that mapping of underground power lines doe snot
>> belong into OSM. But I do not delete them. And i don't maintain them.
>> Using imagery to support mapping has gained a lot of importance over the
>> last few years. That much that we changed our OSM flyer to highlight it as
>> a foundation for data along with GPS tracks.
>> If the need for more sophisticated tool support rises maybe different
>> solutions will come up. recently there are projects providing offset
>> details, editors might display boundaries by default soon.
>> This is all work in progress.
> +1
> --
> Clifford
> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
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