Am 09/apr/2013 um 16:17 schrieb Steve Bennett <>:

> On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 2:53 AM, Dave Sutter <> wrote:
>> Creating another instance of the OSM database and server is a very
>> good idea. I would propose we make the purpose of this database to
>> allow people post ANY geo data that is NOT part of the base map. It
>> would be an open database for general GIS data.
>> Some examples of random things people could do with this database:
>> - The high resolution imagery outlines discussed in this thread
>> - Migratory patterns of birds (I can't find the post where someone was
>> requesting where to do this...)
>> - GPS tracking for running, hiking, cycling and other recreation,
>> similar to Strava or MapMyRun (see
>> - GIS Management for operations like Haiti OSM team
> There are very many use cases for GIS data that is useful to OSM but
> doesn't meet the current OSM criteria. Perhaps so many that one
> database wouldn't be enough. Some that come to mind:
> - everything that fails the "on the ground" test (flight paths,
> boundaries, designations, etc)
> - statistical/population/demographic data
> - project metadata like "the zzz team is working within this boundary area"
> - subjective data (preferred cycle routes)
> - historical data (explorers' routes, defunct bus routes, demolished
> buildings...)
> Probably some of these already have good homes (OpenAviatianMap?).

there is also historic OSM (right now mainly ML).

Still, some of what you exclude is already in OSM: boundaries, designations, 
population data, demolished buildings...), and IMHO there is also room for 
this, like for start_dates, Wikipedia links, ancient cultures, place names  

The on the ground rule shouldn't mean to exclude information that is publicly 
available but maybe isn't visible staring on the ground itself.

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