Christian Quest <> wrote:
>It's not obvious at all, I even think this would have several negative
>- rewarding contributions one way or another (like giving acces to
>some additional service) may push quite bad quality contributions
>(gamification for example is to be considered with a lot of caution)
>- reducing access over time to services may create a very negative
>image: imagine you have access to some service, then this access gets
>limited, usually this is not providing positive feedback
>- the more services will be on the less new interesting
>services will be created on top of OSM data somewhere else.
>OSM is not a project created to provide services to end users, it is a
>project to create/share data in order to build services on top of
>The existing slippy map is a limited way to show the tip of our
>iceberg. It already has some negative effect, with a lot of people not
>going further and thinking that OSM is just that : an open map of
>streets... when OSM is much much more.
>There are plenty of sites providing very interesting services on top
>of OSM data, and should allow visitors to discover them
>instead of replicating more or less these sites and services.

I agree with you about gamification, there are plenty of people faking 4square 
[and similar] check-ins just to get badges, etc. I don't think osm needs that 
kind of thing.

The main problem with mappers having to rely on third party sites is they all 
update with different schedules. I make a change to fix a routing problem, how 
long do I have to wait before a third party site is updated; hours, days or 


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