On Jul 21, 2013, at 12:28 PM, Kai Krueger wrote:

> It begs the question, if this high level design decisions shouldn't live on
> the design@ list instead of rails-dev or in the git-hub bug tracker.
> rails-dev can sometimes have a reasonably high volume and most of it is
> boring technical detail, like e.g. if oauth needs relative or absolute URLs
> to produce valid signatures. This is something most people don't (and
> probably shouldn't) care about and won't read rails-dev. So putting high
> level design discussions that does effect everyone who uses osm.org and
> where because it is subjective, everyone can have a valid opinion on it, is
> perhaps a bad idea. After all there is a specific list just for this kind of
> purpose i.e. design@
> Of cause fragmenting mailing-lists further and further is probably a bad
> idea though as well.

I do like Richard's thought that "rails-dev" should be "site-dev", if a 
renaming was accompanied with the merging of the design@ list. We'd come out 
with a less-fragmented and clearer selection of mailing lists!

It makes sense to me that the people making design suggestions and those who 
implement them participate in the same conversation space, even if the 
designers need to occasionally skip an OAuth thread or the developers get bored 
of hearing about hex colors and corner radii.

The key though is delegation and recordkeeping. If we should decide that Saman 
+ Mapbox own the visual design of the site for a period of time, we need to be 
clear that that includes credit, accountability, and a paper trail of 
deliberations that we can point to when someone asks if we really need plus and 
minus buttons on the map.


michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html

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