
On 21.07.2013 21:28, Kai Krueger wrote:
It begs the question, if this high level design decisions shouldn't live on
the design@ list instead of rails-dev or in the git-hub bug tracker.

Yes, I can imagine that to some a "you only have to follow rails-dev" is a very hitchhikers-guidesque response.

My impression is this:

1. Lots of people re-iterate the mantra that mailing lists (and "talk" in particular) are places where you'll only get flak for all your good ideas, and endless "bikeshedding", and whatnot. I think that this is not supported by facts.

2. Therefore if you do something you're tempted to ignore the mailing lists, as everyone tells you they're the pits of hell.

3. Therefore, people on the mailing lists - even the majority that is not troublemakers - feel sidelined, and complain.

Often even *informing* people in advance could help a lot.

I think that the situation would already be much improved if, when something of greater importance pops up on rails-dev or elsewhere, someone informs the "talk" list about that. For example, in the specific case, once TomH had set up the working branch with the new UI, a quick note should have gone up on talk: "look here this new design, being discussed here in case you want to say something". A couple of people might want to say something but the majority will just be pleased to have been told about it.

Anyone can do this cross-pollination of the talk list, and maybe we should make it a habit.

I'll start with:

Hi everyone, there's an idea to provide a new welcome/"landing" page used to send new users to, or maybe those who come to OSM via one of the sites using OSM maps. It can be viewed here


and the discussion is here



PS: If I reply to a message on rails-dev, will it land in the proper github ticket discussion? I tried it once a while ago and found that my comments were not there, and it seemed that some people were reading via rails-dev and got my message while others were reading via github and didn't. Has someone successfully used the write portion of the gateway?

Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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