Rob Nickerson wrote:
Hi Lester,

If you are after a full screen map for your website, it is very easy to create
one with a simple html page that links to Leaflet (the tool for providing pan
and zoom, etc) and the tiles server at OSM. I've attached something I was able
to get up and running quite quickly. My web developer skills are near zero :-)

You are missing the point Rob ...

People are used to clicking on 'View larger map' and getting to Google Maps. The OLD website while not the prettiest was more in the style of what people are used to getting. I want to promote OSM and so I need something that is on the OSM side that is uasable. I've just switched all of the promotional links from to as THAT is a lot more informative than where people are ending currently!

The new front end has a place, but THAT is probably at rather than the main front page. Even if I was seaching for OSM cold I think I'd feel 'What the f**k' when confronted simply with a map and a few strange links. Being forced to log in just to get to something usable information wise is just not right. None of the first clicks give any sensible support for a new user even if they ARE looking for contributing.

If OSM is not going to provide a usable set of pages, then I will roll my own. I do already have that running, but it's OSM's site that needs to be linked to directly to promote it!

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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