Martin wrote:

> the wiki was linked directly. Our wiki is the principal (loosely)
> structured key about osm, created by the community. Its starting
> page is a good entry if you want to get serious, and I am sure
> longtime contributors go there rather often.

I think it is better on the Help screen, as that also shows what
other help is available. It starts with help on how to use the site
you are on, continues with where to get help about using OSM, and
builds up to the wiki where you can find detailed documentation - a
somewhat logical progression. If more help becomes available it
perhaps can also be listed there (I don't know whether for example
any of IRC, Forums, Mailing Lists deserve a mention there, or
whether leaving them listed on the wiki is sufficient for now).

> I'm used to type and click on the wiki link, now I'll have
> type or click, wait and click again ;-)

Ah, well my browser supports bookmarks (in fact, I'm on latest Opera
so there are dashboard groups). So launch browser, click OSM group,
click Wiki - quicker than typing even...


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