Simon Poole wrote:
I really fail to see what you believe was better about the old layout,
maybe if you could give an example?

Just 5 examples to start with:

I was not soliciting general input, just specific to Lesters complaint (which
was not about functional issues for mappers).

As to general complaints, I don't see any way forward without making somebody
unhappy, we've already sunk multiple man weeks in to one re-design that didn't
happen, no need to repeat that again. Functional defects that are not simply a
matter of taste obviously should be documented and reported in an issue.

Which is why I simply ask that the old layout is made available again as that only requires access to pages that already exist. What is currently being offered is probably acceptable to users who are there with a view to contributing, and then requiring registration makes sense, but for the vast majority of visitors brought here by USERS of the data it's just not right.

I know that there is a lot of support for NOT providing services, but until a suitable replacement can be created for the many thousands of us using embeded maps, maintaining usable operation is important. The current changes are not compatible with using the embed function so THAT should have beendepricated first and time provided for us to make changes to existing usage!

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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