On 12/6/13 7:00 AM, Martin wrote
> 2013/12/5 Paul Norman <penor...@mac.com>
> Generally they?re not offices but mailboxes in post offices that are the 
> problem. They get tagged, but if you go there, all that?s there is a private 
> post office.
> because you checked this personally? How would you know that these are 
> mailboxes and not offices? 
of course they haven't all been checked personally, but it's not
uncommon for these types of mail order and/or online only
businesses to have a mailbox at a private business that specializes
in mailboxes and mailing services. i've been a participant in the
anti-spam community for, well, since there's been spam, and
this is pretty common with spammers, so it's a very familiar
pattern to me (which is not to say that bitcoin merchants
operating from mailboxes are equivalent, just that it's a
very economical model for someone working from home in their

so no, it hasn't been checked, but it's very likely.

there's a distinction to be drawn here, i think, between individual
merchants taking bitcoin and the folks entering data from lists.
the former may need a little education, the latter may need a lot
of education and based on Serge's comments, they may not be
interested in being educated. we should not be permitting the
latter to blow off the rules and requirements of our community
if that is what they are doing.


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