2013/12/4 Peter Wendorff <wendo...@uni-paderborn.de>

> probably to part of prevent this issue you could allow your users to add
> their non-brick-and-mortar businesses to a separate database you manage.
> You could list them in the search, but not show them on the map.

Is there common consense that we only want shop businesses and not
back-office businesses in OSM? How does this refer to the "office" key? Or
to other businesses like production facilities (factories, but also smaller
ones) which also generally / often don't allow the general public to enter?
Or to a service business that does external work?

Or is the problem you have with these POIs that these businesses are
supposedly small? We only want office-blocks of enterprise e-commerce
(Amazon, Ebay, ...) and not the small e-commerce with just an

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