Am 17.03.2014 23:05, schrieb Johan C:
So we're wondering why OpenStreetMap, being better (superior?) than Google in map data, is not used by commercial companies like BMW. Is there a native German on this list who can ask BMW why they're not using OSM?
for Navigation it's not only about having roads, there are other data still missing (or not available sufficiently) in OSM: addresses, turn restrictions, lane informations, speed limits, ... BTW: if you talk about navigation in the car industry you have to consider development cycles of 5...10 years => including OSM takes some time. And: it's also about having a tool chain to include and maintain the data into the cars (update) which needs to be developed, despite of the wiki type fancy tagging scheme (compared to Navtec/Nokia an TeleAtlas/TomTom). I'm quite sure that the automotive industry keeps an eye on OSM although there is no official statement. [1] ;-)

BTW car industry: I am aware of talks between an OSMF board member (Oliver) an the German car industry in the past years. But he didn't provide any details at all about the talks => not a very good behavior for an open project, even if you agree to have confidentiality... :-(

Best regards,

for [1]: there was e.g. a semi-public talk of an postgraduate here at Munich

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