On 03/06/15 12:02, Janko Mihelić wrote:
> I don't get the problem with k=v instead of just v. There is a function
> called concatenate which solves that.
> We should move away from mapping directly with tags, and to a system
> like iDs, with descriptions that hide tags. For a database it's 
> irrelevant if it's "oneway=yes" or "4658". All this talk about correct
> k=v combinations is bikeshedding to me. Only DB admins and tag proposers
> should ever see what a tag looks like.

Sorry, but that does not make any sense at all. The starting point here
is that OSM is ONLY a database of information, and the schema of how
that data is made up is what we are discussing. The key values are
fundamental to the schema, and while different database models can make
things easier from one view or another, the current structure is the
only way to make things flexible across all users. That some users can
hide elements of the schema is only a matter of the user application,
the raw data has to be in a format that can be translated as required.
In the database we need to know if an object has a property 'oneway' and
what values are allowed for that property. YES "4658" can be a valid
property, or "4658" can be pulled out of some other database as
"oneway=yes", but we still need to know what the key oneway means and
how it fits into the rest of the data structure. That a road is defined
as 'highway' and has keys for oneway, speed, and other free format keys
is fundamental to building the data model.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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