There is one bad convergence on this.

  While I can also observe that in Lithuania in last month there was a
huge increase in mapsme "edits" and 50% of those are straight bullshit
(like adding as an artwork objects like "my crib", "place I fish",
adding cyrillic names to name tag in Lithuania where cyrilic is
totally alien etc.), 30% edits like adding duplicate points and only
~20% being edits which could be interpreted and after editing begin
useful. Thankfully in Lithuania we employ a mechanism similar to
wikipedias "patrolling" so things like that are fixed pretty quickly.
But still it uses resources which could be used better.

  But this is one another Zveriks "inventions" introducing havoc in
OSM. We had russian automated translation adding to name:ru tags
worldwide "because world of tank needs that". Before that we had
zveriks "idea" of introducing natural=water for everything that is
blue to tagging. Which was made less than a year after he joined OSM
and with hundreds of thousands of objects already marked in a
different way (that idea has failed because even after five years
people still mark objects usual way rather than the new scheme).

  Worst of all Zverik did not engage in any discussion about
aforementioned bad decisions!

  Maybe we should have some guards against such non discussed high
impact "inventions"? And in case of "natural=water for everything
blue" some mechanism to revert such not well thought out "proposals"?


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