On Do, Sep 01, 2016 at 08:21:39 +0200, Matthijs Melissen wrote:
> On Thursday, 1 September 2016, Jochen Topf <joc...@remote.org> wrote:
> > On Do, Sep 01, 2016 at 12:42:10 +0200, Matthijs Melissen wrote:
> > > We have currently a Map Features page on the wiki:
> > > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features
> > >
> > > The page also contains definitions for all features. We therefore
> > > store the definitions now in two places: in the map features tables
> > > and in the infoboxes on the pages themselves.
> > >
> >
> > See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Taginfo/Taglists . This "just"
> > needs some people going through every tag list in the wiki and replacing
> > it by the special syntax. The problem ist, as you say, the differing
> > descriptions and such, which need to be consolidated in the process.
> Great, that's exactly what I needed. Will see what we can do with that.

And feel free to tell me if you need anything more or different. What it
does at the moment is what I thought might be useful and doable. That
doesn't mean this is the best solution.

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.jochentopf.com/  +49-351-31778688

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