On 21.09.2016 01:33, Matthijs Melissen wrote:
I added it to the infobox as osmcarto-rendering.

It is currently only used in the supermarket page:

Maybe I'm a bit late to the party, but I don't feel it's great to give special treatment to Mapnik in the infobox, and there is not enough room for presenting all the renderers there.

While placing the icon in the infobox is probably the easiest way to make it available to Taginfo, we shouldn't forget that it also determines how renderer support is presented on the tag pages. And in that regard, I find it's a less than ideal solution.

Quite some time ago, someone suggested a "Rendering" section on tag pages, with example images for all (or at least a wider selection of) renderers supporting the feature. This wouldn't be limited to icons, either, but would also work for area styles, for example. I would clearly prefer a presentation along those lines, as it would represent the diversity of OSM rendering in a way that a Mapnik icon does not.

Of course this leaves the issue how to implement something along these lines while still allowing Taginfo to access the content. I don't pretend I have a solution, but could this information be integrated into the Taginfo projects JSON somehow? If I remember correctly, there is already the possibility to add icon urls.

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