
On Mi, Sep 21, 2016 at 09:53:27 +0200, François Lacombe wrote:
> The way the list is built isn't clear to me : for man_made example you just
> give tags=man_made as template parameter but taginfo doesn't return the
> whole set of values.
> I see a man_made=mill value on taginfo which is not visible on the wiki
> loaded template
> Is count the only criteria ?

No, count isn't a criteria at all. man_made=mill is simply not included
automatically, because there is no wiki page for it.

I recommend giving an explicit list of all tags that you want to have in
your list. Just using the key only is more of a short-cut to help get
you going.

In my opinion it makes sense to have a human edit the complete list of
everything they want to have in that list. That is the power of the wiki
after all, that it is not autogenerated, but somebody actually curates
this list. Taginfo should only be the helper here that makes it easier,
but it shouldn't decide what ends up on that list and what doesn't.

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.jochentopf.com/  +49-351-31778688

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