
   as a relative public transport outsider I have read your proposal and
it claimed to "merely document existing practice" and "clarify" some
things. I thought: That's great but why does it need a vote then? Now I
read from Roland, who I know is heavily involved in railway mapping,
that your proposal "conflicts with well-established mapping rules".

I think that it is very important that, if you ever want to put this to
a vote, people know whether they are voting for a change of things, or
just for a "clarification" of existing vagueness.

I'd really appreciate a compilation of exactly what I would be voting
for if I voted to accept the proposal. If people are told that they are
just voting for a "clarification" of existing rules and later find out
that they actually voted to change what Roland calls "well-established
mapping rules", that would render the whole voting process moot.

It shouldn't be too difficult to compile a factual list of where exactly
(if anywhere) your proposal actually aims to *change* something rather
than just *clarify*, and crucially it should be possible for those in
the know, including you and Roland, to agree that this list is correct.

Should your proposal be voted on and accepted, it would also be good to
modify any existing wiki pages accordingly, and ideally the proposal
could already contain the changes to be made: "Page XYZ will be amended
with this, page ABC will be clarified as follows, and paragraph
so-and-so on page ZXY will be removed".

Roland, the things you have pointed out in your message sound like
relatively minor issues that could be fixed in the proposal, rather than
leading to outright rejection. Ilya has said that his aim is not to add
more contradictions and confusions - so if you help him to refine the
proposal so it doesn't do that, everyone should win?


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