Simon, thanks for the constructive criticism, as it allows improvements
rather than aggravation. I propose that "rejections" are saved as a new
tag, for example "_autoreject".  In a way, this is very similar to the
"nobot" proposal - users reject a specific bot by hand.

_autoreject will store a semicolon-separated multivalue tag.  A query will
contain some "ID", e.g. "amenity-sanatorium", and that ID will be added to
the _autoreject whenever user clicks "reject suggestion" button.

* use existing tools to analyse, search, and edit this tag, without
creating anything new
* we can use it inside the queries themselves to say "only suggest to fix X
if the users have rejected Y", or if someone creates a bad query and most
values are rejected, we can easily find them and clean them up
* very easy to implement, few chances for bugs, no chances to loose
rejection data by accident
* other tools can also use this field to store rejections, e.g. mapRoulette
or Omose.
* Query authors can easily search for it to see why they showed up in the
query result, and fix the original query

The biggest problem is the tag name, any suggestions?
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