W dniu 11.12.2017 o 14:43, Greg Troxel pisze:

The property that is denoted by leisure=nature_reserve is mostly
separate from the protected area information.  It means that humans are
able to hike in a land wich is in a natural state.

In the meantime I've made a reality check with Poland lately and now I think that local conventions could not be simply translated into protection class, so I agree that they are separate probably. For example most of national parks in Poland are IUCN class 2, but two of them are class 5. See my current report:


So now I would not advocate for deprecating "nature_reserve", as this is local specific type/name of protected areas. What I still think is wrong, is the key "leisure=". I think "boundary=protected_area + protected_area=nature_reserve" would be better (we already use such scheme for amenity=social_facility for example).

You're basically saying "I care about X, and you care about Y, and my
caring about X is more important, so you are wrong."

I care for proper naming and clear database scheme, not for any particular features. Leisure is just a popular activity related to many nature reserves, but not for all - think of strict reserves. But all of them are meant for nature protection, by design.

That's one person's opinion about some things.  The real world is
complicated and "protected" is very complicated.    Certainly around me
there are "wildlife refuges" that allow deer hunting (to protect plants
and toher animals from deer!).

Yes, you are right that there are many views on how the protection is implemented. However "protection" is an umbrella term that binds all of the nature reserves (including "hunting allowed", "leisure allowed" or "voluntary protection"), but "leisure" does not include all of nature reserves.

What I don't understand is why you dislike leisure=nature_reserve so
much.  If you want to have boundary=protected_area control the rendering
if both are set, whatever.  But there seems to be some notion that
poeople using that tag causes you trouble, and that you have some basis
to demand that they stop.

Of course I have some trouble, otherwise I wouldn't notice. But that was just a trigger to see the real tagging problem, which is bigger than just rendering. As I understand you, what you think is "any tag you like" is the only policy that really counts, no matter if the scheme is precise, coherent and has at least basic classification.

For example I think that:

boundary = protected_area
+ protected_area = nature_reserve/national park/landscape reserve/...
+ protect_class = n

is better than:

leisure = nature_reserve
boundary = national park
boundary = protected_area + protect_class = n

The first one allows to add many properties in a reach and structured way, while the second:
- has no hierarchy
- implies "leisure" for every nature reserve
- does not allow to use boundary=national park + boundary=protected_area, because they share the same key

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