I don't think "a comment generated by" is the correct description. It is a
comment generated -through- OSMcha. A human decided the changeset was good,
that's nice to know for mappers. I guess it would be better if the reviewer
can decide not to send this message, or have the option to chose which kind
of message.

It's a little silly to get fifty of these messages if they all get
reviewed. But there is a second use case to these messages: it is the only
way that another changeset reviewer using another tool can know that
someone already looked at it. I would propose:

- a reviewer in OSMcha can adapt the message to his own personal message or
an ad hoc message
- the "personal sounding text" is sent at most once to every single mapper.
Every following message is as short and to the point as Stefan's proposal
- a reviewer can choose to not send a message if they feel like they're

If we agree it's a problem that users get a message everytime someone
reviews one of their changesets, then maybe we need a separate database for
reviewing status. OSMcha has that, but we might integrate the reviewing
status into OSM.org? That would of course also imply that third party tools
can also write to the OSMcha database. So maybe a centralized solution
would be better. I think reviewing is impartant enough to consider this.

2018-01-12 22:49 GMT+01:00 Clifford Snow <cliff...@snowandsnow.us>:

> On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 9:59 AM, Stefan Keller <sfkel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I would even go further by refering to policies about automated reply
>> mails and/or chat bots. I can't find an authoritative source but I
>> think there's at least a netiquette saying that communications to
>> humans generated from machines should start by declaring it's a
>> message from a machine.
>> In this case my reaction also was that "I reviewed..." is misleading.
>> I would propose s'thing like the following:
>> ...
>> Hello!
>> This is a comment generated by #OSMCha:
>> Thank you for your contributions to OpenStreetMap.
> Another option would be to allow each of us to create our own "canned"
> response.
> A quick count shows something like 300,000+ edits by new mappers in 2017.
> That would also include import accounts created in 2017 which inflates the
> number. But it's still a large number. Ideally we would review more edits
> by new mappers to help them get up to speed and offer words of
> encouragement. Having tools like OSMCha really help. I've started employing
> OSMCha late last year and find it helpful, especially being able to see
> what was deleted.
> Stefan - Thank you for offering a suggestion on how OSMCha can be
> improved.
> Best,
> Clifford
> --
> @osm_seattle
> osm_seattle.snowandsnow.us
> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
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