
> correctly then it is not automatic. It is posted from other tool/site
> but allowing this is a purpose of API.
> Is there any evidence that these
> comments are spammy or used in de-facto automatic fashion? Os its it
> really automatic and I misunderstand situation.

I just tried it myself on OSMCha:

-I needed to log in again, and OSMCha now requests the permission to
edit the map.
-after log in I am presented with a pop up on the bottom right, stating
that osmcha will now comment on changesets that I reviewed.

I marked a changeset of an experienced mapper as good, and after that,
the changeset comment appears on the changeset page, without further
interaction from my side.
I immediately felt obliged to apologize for the comment, because that
was an experienced mapper.

So I agree that the comments are too automatic.

The reviewer should be presented with the choice to comment (or not)
each time, and have the opportunity to change the message. Especially
because this is one of the rare cases that go directly to the users
email inbox! If this gets used a lot, mappers will be trained to ignore
messages from OpenStreetMap. This being viewed as spam is a concern for
me as well.


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