2018-11-20, an, 12:42 Elena ``of Valhalla'' rašė:
> looking at a map where Crimea is part of Ukraine may lead people to plan
> a trip to it, only to be stopped and possibly questioned.

  But going to Crimea without Ukrainian visa (and not via Ukraine
controlled territory) would have legal consequences.

> Most importantly, however, having Crimea as part of Ukraine on a map
> that shows what's on the ground would lead people to think that the
> illegal invasion has been resolved and everything is back to normal.
> This, if I understand correctly, would be exactly the opposite of what
> you want.

  Showing Crimea as part of Russia would also lead people to think
that the illegal invasion is over, everything was "legalised" and
issue settled, which is exactly the opposite of the reality.

  I want as much peace as possible. The previous solution to include
Crimea in both while not ideal had a ~balance between the two sides.
And now, for unknown reasons, this was changed to give all candies to
one side (not the one supported by absolute majority of the world)
introducing unnecessary negative effects. The matter of Crimea was
more or less calm in OSM before this decision.


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