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> On 7. Apr 2019, at 16:44, Bryce Jasmer <> wrote:
> Can you give some examples of what the OSM normals are and how iD differs 
> from them?

from time to time the iD developers don’t like the established tagging and 
prefer to make iD tagging presets for new tags which they believe are better.
Now while everybody is free to use any tag she likes, I would not expect the 
OpenStreetMap-Foundation standard editor to introduce new tags through presets. 
Good practice for default presets (e.g. in JOSM) is to use tags that are 
already well established. Generally we want our tags to be standing on a broad 
basis, we encourage discussion prior to using them. The development team of an 
editor is typically too restricted to be considered a broad basis. Tagging 
discussions in Github are also defacto excluding Jane Mapper from participating 
(because she doesn’t get aware of it).

Cheers, Martin 
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