The reason for wanting to expand abbreviations in OSM is surely to avoid
ambiguity, not specifically to aid pronunciation or recognition. In the
case of "1e ..." in a certain language context, would that not be
unambiguous? Would a speech synthesiser not know how it should be spoken
in its working language? 

Slight digression: The question does arise of which rules to use to
pronounce foreign names. If I am in Warsaw for example and my satnav
started pronouncing street names in pure Polish I might not recognise
any of them (apologies to any Poles in the audience). But how would it
speak such that I would recognise it, if I was looking for a string with
loads of Ws and Zs that means nothing to me? Use English rules to
pronounce a Polish word? 

On the other hand, if I was in Paris, I would expect it to use French
rules, because I understand French and using English rules would sound
weird although it might well give a lot of laughs...

On 2019-07-16 17:36, John Whelan wrote:

> This approach I like.  Name:expanded perhaps?
> To go back to earlier ideas.
> Expanding the name sounds sensible but unfortunately the street signs are 
> posted with the abbreviation and some local mappers have a what is on the 
> sign goes in the map mentality.  Also we have had discussions about street 
> names in Canada before and the decision was what the municipality declares 
> the street name is correct.  That was to do with either "rue Sparks" or 
> should it be "Rue Sparks" in Quebec it would be one way but in Ontario the 
> other.
> Thoughts
> Thanks John  
> Colin Smale wrote on 2019-07-16 11:30 AM:
> On 2019-07-16 16:54, John Whelan wrote: One or two are problematic usually as 
> the street name is an abbreviation.    For example 1e Avenue in French 
> meaning First Avenue.
> Any suggestions on how these should be handled?  This particular application 
> is aimed at partially sighted people but I feel we should be able to come up 
> with a generic solution. 
> Some kind of phonetic (IPA?) representation would be the ultimate generic 
> solution. Here in NL (and I guess in many other countries) there are street 
> names which are partially or entirely in other languages, and the expectation 
> is that they are pronounced as such. For example, Boeing Avenue would sound 
> completely weird if it were pronounced according to Dutch rules. Truly 
> multi-lingual countries like Belgium and Switzerland should be able to make 
> use of name:XX. 
> If we had name:XX:ipa=* we would have a place to put it, but the client app 
> would need to have a way of turning that into sounds. It will only be needed 
> if the pronunciation deviates from the standard for the language in question, 
> but speech synthesisers are never perfect and often make mistakes.... 
> Of course we will also need a way of entering IPA symbols.... 
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