
the "mspray" accounts were blocked in July 2019 for problematic edits
and failing to document properly. The project leader has contacted DWG
on 15 May 2020 asking what needs to be done to unblock the accounts, and
was informed by us that:

> the "mspray" users have only been blocked until they read the block
> message; the accounts can be used again now. But they will be blocked
> again, and their edits potentially reverted, if they continue to
> disregard OSM rules.
> To re-iterate, the issues were:
> * accidentally "squaring" water areas
> * no proper changeset comments
> * no documentation of the project
> As a general rule, someone encountering an edit by an "mspray" user
> should be able to see (through a link from the user profile for example)
> what kind of project this is, who is running it, and what the goals of
> the project are. Ideally, such project should be discussed with the
> community before they commence. And changeset comments should explain
> the concrete action, for example "tracing buildings in XY region". Also
> the frequent mention of "evwhsdigitalglobe" is puzzling; this is not a
> well-known source in OSM. Sometimes users deleted a large number of
> buildings e.g. here https://overpass-api.de/achavi/?changeset=72427535
> without giving a clear reason (the changeset comment "reveal enumeration
> # malaria elimination" is not enough to explain why you deleted dozens
> of buildings).

If you feel they are disregarding that message, we are happy to block
them again.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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