On Sat, 13 Jun 2020 08:03:11 +0200
Florian Lohoff <f...@zz.de> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 11:19:46AM -0400, James wrote:
> > No they shouldn't, mapping roads in northern Canada, your bbox can
> > become quite large quickly as mapping logging roads/dirt roads is
> > quick and easy, but span over multiple kms  
> The point is that the line/way of that road should also not span tens
> of kms. You should break that up every couple of kilometers.
> Otherwise this is prone to break one day or the other. And its simply
> inefficient. Every time you touch that road you invalidate hundrets
> of tiles.

Come out to the rural United States sometime.  It's not unreasonable
for a road to span tens of kilometers between intersections.

(And a one-square-kilometer limit on landuse is also unreasonable: the
most common farm shape is a circle one mile in diameter.  The
second-most-common is a square one mile on a side.)


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