Vào lúc 15:48 2022-11-28, Tobias Knerr đã viết:
On 28.11.22 at Simon Poole wrote:
What is "OSM Contributor Terms compatibility" supposed to be?

Ok, this is clearly imprecise wording.¹

The context is that we would like to offer data donors a standard legal text that they can use to make their data available to OSM in such a way that we would expect it to survive a hypothetical license change. And yes, this would perhaps look similar to a CC0 waiver, except that it could potentially be a bit more limited (in a similar way the CT limits the set of licenses under which the OSMF can choose to publish the database).

So the column would be mostly about whether this legal text or something equivalent has been signed or not (+ perhaps public domain/CC0 data that has the ability to survive a license change by default could also check the box).

Could you clarify the "perhaps" here? If something has been explicitly dedicated to the public domain via CC0, a similar statement, or a relevant law, should it not survive any relicensing attempt? Or is this just about the editorial decision of whether to leave the table cell blank if relicensing is irrelevant for a given import? The wiki has a {{n/a}} template for this purpose.

I've already heard concerns from a couple U.S. mappers about this thread, because the community here been operating under the assumption that public domain datasets are the best-case scenario for inclusion in OSM. If a local government agency has already released something into the public domain, irrevocably and so forth, it would be counterproductive to send their legal department a scary-looking document to fill out. I don't know how I'd convince them that they have the legal authority to enter into an agreement governed by English law. Hopefully I'm overreacting.


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