Am 29.11.2022 um 15:30 schrieb Greg Troxel:
Also, what we need is a copyright license, so that's not necessarily --
and hopefully isn't -- a contract.
Well there is this kind of underlying assumption that for most material in question, with the exception of actual maps, there is no copyright protection in the US and we are talking about contractual arrangements (I'm not going to dive in to the aspect that different jurisdictions have different implementations of how this all works, but see for example This is in any case just my take and the OSMF might have a completely different position for tactical reasons.
   It seems obvious that asking a US
entity to enter into a contract under foreign law (and the same is
almost certainly true for any government entity in any other
jurisdiction) is just not going to fly.

You are assuming that the OSMF would require UK law, which might or might not be the case.


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