
Thanks for the reply!

On Tuesday 08 March 2005 06:30, kedut kedut wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Mar 2005 22:11:32 +0100, John Orford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I've just joined.  I'm from Ireland but will be visiting Jakarta / Java /
> > Bali (and probably more) from next week for a month.
> Hello John, well before you get here I'd like to say: WELCOME TO INDONESIA!

Hehe :)  actually I am looking forward to Indonesia a lot.  I've never been to 
Asia but have read lots about Asia and Indonesia in the last few years - so 
expectations are high!  I just hope that I can get used to the heat and 
humidity - Ireland is the total opposite to indonesia weather-wise.

> > I have been given the task to breath life back into my Girlfriend's
> > family's home and office computers.  They use Windows 98 and sound very
> > old.
> I don't think I understand your question here (my english's bad...very
> bad!), but I think you just want to say that you wanna change your
> Girlfriend's O/S, am I right with that?

Yeah.  (Your English is much better than my Indonesian ;))  Basically they run 
Win98 - and from what I hear they are full of viruses / spyware etc.

> > Anyway, I would appreciate if anyone could give me tips about good
> > internet cafes where I could download extra packages etc. that may be
> > necessary, and also Bahasa Indonesia friendly distributions.  Plus, your
> > opinions on easy to use software that will run on old hardware would be
> > very helpful.
> I think I can't help you with this! but as long as I know, there's so
> much Internet cafe (we called it WARNET) in Depok, near the Gunadarma
> University! btw what do you mean by "extra packages"? 

E.G. if i find a winmodem - and don't have the right driver, i'll need to 
download it...

> about the Bahasa 
> Indonesia distribution, (I guess we're talking about GNU/Linux Distro
> here, right?) AFAIK there 's a distro that use bahasa indonesia as the
> default language called "BlankOn Linux", it's based on FedoraCore, but
> I think it would be too "heavy" for your Girlfriend's computer! why
> don't you use "Ubuntu Linux" anyway? 

In my opinion Ubuntu might run too slowly on pentium 2 type machines (64 or 
128 mb ram) - i have a 533mhz celeron, and it is quite slow.  i'm not sure if 
even XFCE would be quick enough.  I think stable debian may do the job, with 
KDE2, KDE 3 or XFCE.  For mail I'm thinking of sylpheed, browser would be 
konqueror, i think firefox would be too slow...  Office programs would be 
Windows 97 running under Crossover... - openoffice is probably too slow.

> you can contact me as soon as you 
> come to jakarta if you want the (Ubuntu) CD's !

That'd be cool if we could meet up!  Do you guys meet up often?  Normally in 
Ireland Linux club members meet every month or two...  

> > Thanks a lot!
> >
> > John.
> You're Welcome John.
> > P.S.  linux.or.id looks great - our Irish LUG could learn a fair bit from
> > you guys.
> That's too much! "We" should gives you a lot of Thanks for that, and
> I'm sorry for my English!

Well you have a wiki, forum, mailing list, blog pages... etc. - it all seems 
very promising.

> p/s: buat yang laen; koq ga ada yang mo bales sih? tunjukkan dong
> keramah-tamahan orang Indonesia!!!

:) as far as i remember i got two personal off list replies from members - i'm 
happy with the feedback i got.

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