Hello Tony!

On Wednesday, October 27, 2004, 4:04 PM, you wrote:

MB>> And Tony Boom has just reported in that it's closing fine in
MB>> XP/SP2.

TB> I've been opening and closing TB just for the fun of it and all I
TB> can say is both operations including deleting the trash and
TB> compressing the folders is now lightening fast compared to the
TB> previous version.

Yes, that's my experience with it also, When the closing does happen
normally, it's wonderfully fast.

TB> And no matter how much I open and close it, it just won't freeze.
TB> I'm happy to say I'm choughed to bits with this version... Apart
TB> from the fact my messages are taking a yonk or two to reach the
TB> list.

Since it does happen for me, but not always, I'm going to try to test
Marck's theory--something also that Stuart Cuddy thought earlier might
be the cause--that the hang-up happens when trying to close only a
minute or so after a mail check.

I'm going to try to be a good researcher and keep an exact record of
the number of times, and whether shortly after a mail check, it hangs.

This really is a great version, and it can only get better, with so
many people trying to track down the reasons for the remaining buggy

Best regards,
The Bat Rush on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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