On 6/13/05, Allie Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I don't understand why people are so scared of reinstalling or
> > backing up TB.

Perhaps they - we - are scared because if it were something
straightforward, RL should have provided a script for this, integrated
a movement to OTFE as part of the upgrade process. The fact that they
did not do so - have no plans to do so - makes it seem that there is a
significant chance for problem.

> I agree. I think the fear is unreasonable.

Maybe. But I think this would be a hard sell to Joe Public.

> I assume you backup your mail multiple times per day. That would make
> your concern with attempting an OTFE install consistent. :) Do the
> following and you will be Ok.

Normally, once every five minutes - incremental and with multiple
copies... Just kidding.

> - Run a backup of your installation, using the TB! backup utility.
> Select all options for backup.

So far, so good.

> - Copy the TB! installation to another location. You could simply give
> the directory another name. :)

Not a problem.
> - Export the TB! registry key to file.

Not such a big deal.

> - Delete both directories.

Thud! Which two directories?

> - Install TB! again, choosing OTFE. Restore from the TB! generated
> backup.
> - If that fails then delete the bad installation.

Double thud! What's with this "If that fails..."?

> - Restore your copied directory to the correct location and double
> click your registry key export to restore your original registry
> settings. It will be like nothing had happened.

I reckon that's true. The worst that can happen is that I fail to
install and end up back where I started. But what happens if I
successfully install OTFE but discover that some of my settings have
been lost? Then I have to waste time trying to get back what I lost or
give up the OTFE - probably a difficult choice. So I keep deferring
this until a day when I have several hours to spare in case something
goes wrong. But that day  when I want to set aside several hours to
fidget with TB has not yet arrived.

> You can also run parallel installations of TB!, i.e., separate
> installations with separate registry settings on the same machine. If
> you're interested in how to to that just shout.

Err, no thanks. The whole point of OTFE is - for me - to have one
secure version of TB, not to have one secure version and another
insecure version.

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro 3.5.26

 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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