9/15/2007  8:01 AM

Hi Gleason,

On 9/15/2007 Gleason Pace wrote:

GP> I think that graphic support is becoming necessary for programs that
GP> handle email because email so often includes graphics these days.

Embedded graphics are supported. Do you trust all of those who do not
embed? Not me! If the message has merit it can be opened in the
browser which makes it my choice rather than the sender's choice.

GP> But these are needs that can be filled many other ways, and are not
GP> really part of doing email well.  They don't really add value to an
GP> email client as some others have found.  Instead they add unnecessary
GP> complexity, and opportunity for program error.  What happens as the
GP> old timers become ornate and enlarged, is that newcommers pop up
GP> saying, hey look at us, we are simple, easy and quick.  Those
GP> attributes, along with design excellence are the real virtues.

Well said.

Take Care,

Voyager v.3.99.4 on Win2k SP4-Rollup1 5.0.2195

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