Hello Jens,

>> Double clicking on the From-header opens the AB in

PG>>> Here is the bug report which was not yet supported:
PG>>> https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=6463

>> While reading that, I asked myself if this was about the same thing. The
>> report isn't very specific, I think...

JF> This talks about an URL in the Subject Line, but this issue is not
JF> confimed by me or already resolved, i added a note.

It is not resolved. The issue with From-header double-click is the
same issue. When you first click on the message it doesn't become
active (there is no cursor anywhere). If you double-click on the
header (e.g. From-header or the one with the URL) nothing happens
except now the cursor is in the message. Then second double-click
works fine.

Best regards,
Peter Gannushkin
URL: http://downtownmusic.net/

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