Hello Mark,

PG>> This is not 4.xx alpha issue. As reported for 3.99.24 you have to put
PG>> the cursor on the header and then double-click instead of just
PG>> double-clicking.

MP> Double clicking on the From-header opens the AB in

I cannot see the difference between and in regard of
the double-click behavior.

When you first click on the message it doesn't become active (there is
no cursor anywhere). If you double-click on the header (e.g.
From-header) nothing happens except now the cursor is in the message.
Then second double-click works fine. Before 3.99.24 double-click
worked on the first try.

Best regards,
Peter Gannushkin
URL: http://downtownmusic.net/

 Current beta is 3.99.29 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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