> > I checked the word list in the dictionary and it is not there so there
> > is no reason why it should not flag it. As far as the registry export is
> > concerned, I don't see  anywhere to attach either this file or the jpeg of 
> > my
> > options for you, but I do have them both if you need to see them
> Now, here is something I don't understand. If you "followed my 
> instructions", as you said yesterday, I assume you only have the 
> American English (SSCE) which is installed by default are testing with 
> it, confirm? If so, where and how did you "check the word list in the 
> dictionary"? Because the "Ssceam2.clx" dictionary is not a text file, 
> the "Ssceam.tlx" is is.  

I did only have SSCE British English Dictionaries installed but have now had to
revert to Hunspel in order to have a functional editor. When I say I followed
your instructions,
I backed up all of my messages,
Removed every trace of The Bat!
Did a clean install and then finally restored my messages. 
At this stage I thought the SSCE engine was working fine, but a few tests proved
that it was ignoring some words. If I type nonsense, say tyhg, then it flags it
as a spelling error but it does not see the mis-spelling of thought as thiought
as an error. I need to do a few further tests as I may have capitalised the
first letter of Thought and marked the option to ignore capitalised letters. It
is good to bounce these ideas around as it causes me to think more about what I
am actually doing.


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