Hello Henk,

>> You see, this is why I think it is important to 'define' what 'doesn't
>> work' means and why I insist on it. I have just replied to Henk M. de
>> Bruijn and, in his case and pending further clarification, it seems that
>> that 'text is not being checked at all' (like if there was no speller),
> Hello Miguel,
> In finding a cause of all this, one of the things I tried was, moving:
> SSCE5532.DLL to another location.
> And now my spellchecker is working again! 

I waited a few minutes before replying in order to calm down a bit and 
not use what could have been an 'improper' tone. Please take no offence 
if the tone I use now still seems 'improper' to you.

What the heck does "now my spellchecker is working again" mean? Yes, I 
know. You type misspelled words, they are detected and you can correct 
them. But which 'spell checker' are you using for that?. I'd bet a 
dozen beers it is either Hunspell or CSAPI and not SSCE, correct?

If you remove SSCE5532.DLL (the SSCE engine) from The Bat! directory,
then there is no way TB can use it and the SSCE spell checker "will not
work" and every single word should be flagged as misspelled. That is, 
of course, if you are/were only using SSCE.

This whole thing of spell checker(s) working/not working is quite 
confusing by itself, specially because of the possibility of using 
three different engines and even simultaneously. So, let's all be a 
little more rigorous when testing and precise when reporting.

Again, my apologies if my tone offends you or anyone.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.0.14.2 on Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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