Hi, Stuart ---

Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 1:01:57 PM, you wrote:

SC> Hello Stuart,
SC>   A reminder of what Stuart Cuddy typed on:
SC>   Tuesday, January 06, 2009 at 13:00:40 GMT -0600

SC>> Does your shortcut have a "Start in" directory set?

SC> Sorry this question was meant for Morton.

No, it doesn't. I've been creating it by simply dragging over a copy of the
shortcut from the Start Menu --- the one created during the installation.
Therefore, it does not even include the full path name of the executable ---
just the greyed-out legend "The Bat! Professional Version 4.1.9"

I suspect that's why the QuickLaunch icon breaks with each new installation
--- because that version number changes, therefore the system "thinks" The
Bat! is no longer installed. If so, then the easiest way to fix the problem
would be for the installer to create shortcuts which include the full path
name --- which does not change with each upgrade.

Meanwhile, I suppose a workaround might be to manually create a QuickLaunch
icon which DOES include the full path name, and perhaps a "Start In"
directory, too. If the next MSI file doesn't corrupt it somehow, it ought to

 Morton A. Goldberg, DVM               mailto:magoldb...@thebat.net
 Running The Bat! version 4.1.9 with AntiSpam Sniper 2.8.11 under
 Windows XP Professional SP3 Build 2600

 Current beta is 4.1.9 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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