On Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 21:08:46, Richard Newman wrote:

> I've  seen  that  happen from time to time although not on the current
> MSI.  In  addition  to  the  QuickLaunch icon, I've had it happen with
> icons  I  placed  in  other strategic (to me) places such as the Start
> Menu.

Hint: instead of copying the icon that the installer creates, make
your own shortcut to thebat.exe manually. Corrupted icons are a
feature of MSI's "published shortcuts", which instead of running the
executable directly run the installer instead, which tries to check if
something isn't right (unfortunately, I have yet to see a problem
which these icons solve, while I've seen several programs where the
icons would just restart the installer, which would report an error
and request the original MSI file, and when that wasn't found, exit -
however when ran through a shortcut that starts the EXE directly, the
program would work without problems).

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< http://eternallybored.org/ >

[The Bat! v4.1.9 on Windows Vista 6.0.6001.Service Pack 1]

He who shouts loudest has the floor.
       -- Swipple's Rule of Order

 Current beta is 4.1.9 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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