Hello Miguel,

Monday, April 27, 2009, 1:03:40 AM, among other things, you wrote:

M> 'Postponed Sending' is correct for the dialog title but, in purity, the 
M> term 'postponed' would apply only to the first part of the dialog. That 
M> is, 'Send in 2 hrs', or 'Send in 10 minutes', etc. Aside of that, the 
M> word 'postponed' may not be understood by some (i.e. Gunivortus had to 
M> look it up in the dictionary). So, my suggestion would be to make the 
M> title be 'Postponed/Scheduled Sending'. This way, the 'scheduled' part 
M> of the title applies to the lower half of the dialog because you are 
M> *scheduling* it to go on an specific date and time.

 I agree with the logic of all of this but suggest that "Delayed" instead of
 "Postponed"  *will* be more more likely to be understood by most non native
 English speakers, who have their TB installed in English!

M> Now, for the first part. 'Hold Over' is not clear and is not correct
M> English. 

M> It should be either 'Hold for' or 'Send in'. That is, 'Hold for
M> 2 hrs' or 'Send in 2 hrs'. But if you want to make it as clear as 
M> possible to the user, I would leave the upper block as follows:

M> ------------------------------
M> Hold for... 
or "Send after"

M> ( ) Hours  ( ) Minutes ( ) Seconds
M> ... and then send.
M> ------------------------------

M> The second block would be much clearer if the block title was 'Schedule 
M> to Send on Specific Date/Time'.
I would be happy with, "Send on Date/Time:"

M> And for the third one (after clicking on 'More'), to be correct the text
M> should read:

M> "If a message *is* postponed now, ..."
I suggest simply, "The message is scheduled to be sent on 27th April 2009 at 
 (using the TB example date and time)

It  is  not clear to me just what is the need for "Test against an arbitrary
date  and  time  in the future".  I also do not find the "Less" button title
immediately intuitive and I don't see that it is really needed at all.

   I only hope this does not confuse the issue even more. :)

Best regards,


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