On Wed, 12 Jan 2000 13:20:20 +0700, tracer wrote:

>Seems more likely a file maintenance/os error then a bat error

It actually seems to be a file maintenance error caused, or at least facilitated, by 
The Bat!

>secondly if your mail is stuck, use anything else to download so at
>least you get your mail and feel better.

Yes. As you can see, I am using PMMail. I downloaded it the other day but haven't had 
a chance to learn any thing about 
it, no nothing is being filtered and I haven't figured out the navigation. Help 
doesn't seem to be any better than The Bat's, 
so I'm drowning in email. Not sure how much better I feel; maybe a little 8-).

>Any other crashes from other programs???

Sure, all the time. I am runing Windows, right? ;-)

Nothing like this, though. I've never seen this kind of problem with any of the many 
other clients I've used and tried. And 
no problem downloading with PMMail or Becky tonight.

>Thirdly, have you checked all your directories?. maybe a file is
>present which is supposed to be overwritten and which is write

ALL my directories? You don't know how many directories I have!

I guess this is a possibility, but I don't know how I would determine this. I have 
scanned my disks, defragged, and run 
various troubleshooting programs; they found nothing.

>Or a Anti virus program being triggered while downloading.

No AV programs running. I disabled them, along with everything else, so I could 
confirm to Syafril that nothing else was 
interfering. (But I have scanned for viruses with a couple of different programs; no 
real hits.)

>as it is, your error seems to say what it is, a file is being created
>and cannot. So its something, no space, write protected, too many
>files in a box which prevents it.

Yes, that is what it sounds like, isn't it? But then why does it work the second (or 
third, or fourth) time I try?

>You could install the BAT in a different place and download from there
>and see if it works.

That's a VERY good suggestion. I will give it a try.

>As said above, to me its an OSfile maintenance error

Don't know....



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