>> ... the way TB! handles navigation is entirely daft...

JA>  I disagree. In terms of navigation, TB does exactly what you tell it
JA>  to do. Even if that is not what you meant to tell it, but that is a
JA>  operator error. There is no way for a program to fix all of those,
JA>  and remain useful.

It does what you tell it to, but telling it what to do is often a
non-trivial exercise.  Why is next Ctrl-]?  That makes NO sense.  What
about all of the Fn key mappings?  YUCK.

>> and we're all hoping that easy cross-folder navigation comes in v2.

JA>  The only way that cross-folder navigation could be any easier is if
JA>  they add the "jump to next unread message in any folder" feature. I
JA>  believe RIT has said they are adding it to version 2.

Well, perhaps.  There are things that could make it easier though...

>> I long for a multi-account Agent every day (that is art in
>> navigation, I tell you all)...

JA>  What is special about it?

Well, one thing that's really handy is the single-key read.  However,
if I want to jump to the message list, I can also hit '2'.  If I want
to head over to the group/folder list, I hit '1'.  To the message
pane, I hit '3'.  Now that seems crazy perhaps, it did to me when I
first heard about it.  However, now that I know it's there, I don't
need to know which pane has focus to decide if I need to Tab or
Shift-Tab, I can just jump directly to the pane I want without
thought.  This is one of those "saves a microsecond" kind of things,
but it makes the UI that much more friendly.  I don't need to hit Tab
and see if I'm in the right pane, I just hit '1'.  Then up/down
through the groups/folders, and ding-dong, I'm set.

Plus, I've never figured out how to get anything useful out of
quicksearch, Agent implements the Windows standard of Ctrl-F to open a
find window, and I can type in alt.porno.sexy.horses.with.dresses and
bam I'm right there.

>> Ten times a day I wish I had a "go to previous message" since I spaz
>> out and hit the wrong key and all of the sudden the message I wanted
>> to read is no longer in the message pane... <sigh>

JA>  I could see that being very useful.  That and an undo command for
JA>  when I accidentally move a message to the wrong folder (including trash).

Yep, Backspace goes to the previously-read message, and I don't know
if there's a limit (you can keep backspacing all day).
Shift-Backspace goes back to the previously-previously read message,
in other words, undoing your backspacing, one step at a time.  REALLY
handy, I must say.

Ctrl-F also works as expected, btw, in the message list pane too, so
you can actually find what you want.  Then there's Ctrl-G, global
search, which will search through all message bodies for a string, if
you so desire (although, as you may imagine, that can take a while).
Ctrl-G also allows you to set individual folders that you want to go
into, I believe...

>> Join me in crossing fingers and praying.  ;)  Would the addition of
>> single-key navigation make the auto-jump-to-next-unread moot for you?

JA>  I should think so.  Why do you need the duplication?

Yeah, I imagine that would help John out a lot.

JA>  However, if I use the "goto next unread message in any folder"
JA>  command, then I am telling TB to find the next unread message,
JA>  open the folder in which it resides, and select said message.

Keep in mind that there need not be a "goto next in any folder"
command specifically, merely an option that enables cross-folder
navigation of "Next Unread".

Another Agent bonus?  They "just" implemented Unlimited Undo/Redo in
the editor.  Oh, that's handy, especially after NO UNDO.  :)


Hopin' this said *something* useful, [EMAIL PROTECTED] out.

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