Hello Syafril,

what is "keep alive utility" using you? And what is the result of problems by
Soth (big attachments)?


Wieland                            mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                   PGP Keys available
Using The Bat! 1.39 «‡» Windows 95 4.0 Build 1111  B

Du schriebst am Dienstag, dem 15.02.2000, um 03:31 Uhr:
========================= Original message text =========================
Hello Soth,

On Monday, February 14, 2000 at 10:58:22 GMT -0500 (which was 15/02/2000
22:58 GMT +0700 my Local Time) you told to the list:

S> Well,  I'm  back  with my favourite pet peeve. And since I'm in a bad
S> mood,  I'll be blunt. Although TB! is, without question, my favourite
S> email  client,  it  SUCKS in a big-huge way when it comes to handling
S> big email attachments. Yes, I am talking multiple-megabyte (sometimes
S> upwards  of 15 megs) email attachments. I know that some of you email
S> purists  shudder  at the thought, and I know that others are revolted
S> by  the  fact  that  I'm willing to accept, and sometimes send, email
S> that  big.  But,  frankly,  I don't care. Yes, I'm a bad, bad boy for
S> sending  email  that  big. Who cares. Fix the problem. Why should TB!
S> use  in  excess of 192 megs of ram when trying to import (or open) an
S> email with a 8 meg attachment?!

S> So, can anybody suggest a solid email client that intuitively handles
S> multiple POP accounts, has excellent filtering features, a reasonable
S> interface, and that doesn't kick the bucket when it comes to a big
S> email?

The Bat! :-)
I  am  also  the  one  who  sometimes  sent  and  receive  mail with big
attachment.  Because  I am using Dial Up Account, and sometimes download
file  from  certain  site very very slow, so I was asking my friends who
have  high  bandwith  and full on-line connection to download the file I
want,  and  he  sent  me  by mail (he don't have FTPServer). Sometimes I
download from home, then send the file to office using mail.

My  experience  here, I can send/receive mail with big attachment even I
only  use Pentium-166, 32 MB, win98 (at home) and Pentium-II/266, 64 MB,
2x4GB  at office (my mail server in the office using Pentium-166, 64 MB,
2  x  4  GB).  Most of all Service Pack for Windows NT4 and Netware 4.11
(the  file  size  range  from  35  MB  to  78 MB) I send/receive by mail
(envelopt by mail, the size enlarge around 30%). At home, I must running
"keep alive" utility to maintain the connection.

IMHO, I feel The Bat! running much stable on Windows NT.

- Syafril -
Name    : Syafril Hermansyah     | Company : Duta Integrasi Pratama 
Mailto  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Voice   : (62) (21) 385-1600            
URL     : www.dutaint.co.id      | FAX     : (62) (21) 351-9241  

Using The Bat! 1.41 Beta/3 under Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 

Created : Tuesday, February 15, 2000, 8:38:21

====================== End of original message text =====================

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