Greetings Tom!

On  Monday, May 15, 2000  at  15:01:48 GMT -0700 (which was 3:01 PM where you think I 
live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

p>> You know, sometimes, I write mail with no subject.   And I know in
p>> "other mailers"  there is an "Yo, You got No Subject" Button Warning
p>> /Ok.

TP> Ever seen message boxes with a "do not show this warning again"
TP> checkbox?  That adds a little more "bloat" but doesn't slow you down
TP> any more.
Right, it's called a "switch."   In this case, I'd rather not have a
switch. Even a Green newbie beginner is going to understand what the
subject field is for.  And the way that netscape's switch works, that
once you tell it not to show again, you literally have to destroy your
settings to go back to the original.  (usually beyond the newbie's

p>> I never liked it. I'd rather have "no warning" "No pop-up" It's just
p>> another pop-up screen to slow you down.  I been fighting to get rid of
p>> pop-up screens..  You wanna Add more?    LOL   One other question...
TP> User configurability is the key.
Where have I heard that before? Yes, user configurable, right now it
*IS* configurable, you type in the subject/or lack of subject, and off
you go.  (great for listbot servers -BTW)

Your suggestion add's limitation ie: a switch of some type and a
pop-up screen. So, the next logical question is... Will this be
applied globally(It'l limit the program), what if some folks want to
use it on account specific(program get's bigger), or even folder
specific settings(Program gets bigger yet.) Where are these settings
stored? An ini file? Self modifying code?  So, with what was stated
above, the options, would have to be not a "do not show again" switch,
since that would create configuration problems, therefore, it would
either have to be applied globally, or per account, or per folder.
Which brings me full circle, to the question of how many more resource
files will that need, and how many new Sub's, iterations?  I am not
saying it can't be done, I am saying, where does it stop?

p>> Do you do any(and I mean in ANY language ASM, C, BASIC, VB, etc.)
p>> programming yourself?   I have done some programming myself, i'm no
p>> expert, but I learned really fast my programs get big really quick when
p>> I start adding eye-candy.  Pop-up screens are eyecand... its hand
p>> holding..

TP> Hand holding is not eye candy.   Anyway, yeah, I'm a programmer.
If the second statement is true, I don't see how you can say the first
statement is true.  I've written down and dirty programs that have no
color, no windows, no helpfiles that are at least half the size of
adding color, windows, helpfiles.   Anytime I've added windows and new
resources, the program grows (no pun) "like a bat outta hell!"
(A new tagline!)  <BG>

TP> Software of mine has sold 2 million copies around the world and I'm
TP> sure right around the same number of pirated copies.
What software is that?  Friendly question, just curious, I guess I
could just do a search on your name, or you can save me the time.  A
url would be an okay answer.

TP> Pop-up windows can be irritating but they can be useful.  Hence the
TP> reason for making them user configuable, yet another thing that Agent
TP> does wonderfully.
TB isn't Agent.

 I tried a freeware agent once(seemed like it sucked because you
can't change the Server's without some hassle),  I use Linux for my newsgroups on newsguys(zippo.)  I
have no need for agent as you can see.  If your suggesting the Bat
have NNTP support, I would say, wait for v2.0 perhaps, and also I'd
hope you could change the Server like you can with the email accounts.
I've had to use other servers for something that disappeared.  And
adding NNTP servers are a pain in the arse.

TP> Anyhow, adding pop up windows with one checkbox and some text and a
TP> yes/no button selection does NOT add all that much code under windows.
What about under Delphi?  At least one new resource file... YES?  Some
more interfacing to some other iterations Depending on how structured
the rest of the program is. YES?  Possibly a new subroutine?  YES?


... Get The Bat! and Beat the Hell out of the dumb PowerPoint Rangers!
--- The Bat! 1.42f + 98Lite + Revenge of Mozilla II

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