Hello St,

On Wednesday, January 23, 2013 you wrote:

>> Often ISP's anti-spam filters, both outgoing and incoming, can be a
>> little overzealous IME. The same can be said of desktop anti-spam
>> software. Your messages probably had to pass through three or more
>> such filters. So many pieces of phishing spam claim to be from Paypal,
>> that some false positives are almost inevitable, and I suspect that
>> your message was falsely tagged as spam.

SMN> This is very true - but if an anti-spam filter reject messages based
SMN> on the fact that the word "PayPal" is present in subject is a stupid
SMN> anti-spam-filter. I mean, apparently it's stupid to you and me... but
SMN> it is also *professionally stupid* - one would think a professional
SMN> company had a better system running than that?

SMN> The only plausible reason why a filter would block such a message
SMN> Jack is talking about is if one Redirect / Delegate a message that was
SMN> originally sent from PayPal. If the text is fully intact AND the anti-
SMN> spam system found it to be suspicious (looks like a phishing attempt)
SMN> AND the IP the Redirected / Delegated message is now coming from is not
SMN> in the IP-range PayPal is using to send mail, THEN one could expect a
SMN> system to look at it with a suspicious mind and to consider it to be a
SMN> possible phishing attempt. But blocking a message just because "PayPal"
SMN> is present in Subject is just stupid.

Also it doesn't seem to be the case.  After I responded to Geoff's message I
sent myself a message with "PayPal" in the subject line and it went through just
fine.  Admittedly, the message body consisted simply of a salutation and sig.
It may be that a message with "PayPal" in the subject line AND a fair amount of
text in the body *might* trigger a block.  More experimentation necessary.

Best Regards, 
Jack LaRosa
:usflag: Central Alabama

Using The Bat! ver: 5.2.
Running Windows XP Pro ver 5 build 2600 Service Pack 3

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