
On Saturday 9 November 2013 at 4:36:25 PM, in
<mid:659732828.20131109103...@charter.net>, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

> As you can see, your "Test filters" box and mine
> differ.  The "box within the box" contains a single
> long line which describes what actions were taken with
> this message as follows:

> Message from MFPA, subject "Re: Feature request?
> Messages display filtering used.", size 6,368 bytes
> filtered (processed by "Processed by: Faux inbox.
> Actions performed: Move to the folder \\Jack S.
> LaRosa\Faux inbox", "Processed by: TBUDL List Server.
> Actions performed: Move to the folder \\Jack S.
> LaRosa\TBUDL"), URL:
> msgid:04868015.20131109140042@my_localhost?folder=\\Jack%20S.%20LaRosa\TBUDL

That's good, it's still there. (-;
But an odd design decision to make you scroll across to see it.

M>> For what it's worth, ticking the "log filtering
M>> results" box appears  to make no difference. The
M>> results of the "Test Filters" function do  not appear
M>> in the account log. Maybe they are written to another
M>> file  somewhere, but I have never felt the need to
M>> look for one.

> Nowhere do I see an option to "log filtering results".

It is on the screenshot you shared showing which boxes you ticked.

> I can only assume the difference in our versions is
> causing the disparity.  I've never used the right-click
> "test filters" option anyway.  I usually use the FOLDER
> + RE-FILTER and then only if I've created a new filter
> or modified an old one.  Even then I'm only interested
> in whether the filter worked or not and not in how it
> worked.  I can see however how such information might
> help in determining why a new or modified folder failed
> to work.  I'll try it next time.  

I find it useful if a message turns up in an unexpected folder. If the 
"Test Filter" results indicate it shouldn't have, I just re-filter. 
Otherwise I just move it manually, and consider whether a filter needs 

Best regards

MFPA                    mailto:expires2...@ymail.com

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