------ Original Message ------
From: "Tony Brookes" <t...@tonybro.com>
To: "Achdut18" <tbudl@thebat.dutaint.com>
Sent: 02/06/2016 21:18:32
Subject: Re: unable to send messages from four of 24 accounts

I use 1and1 and SMTP, I use 'Secure to dedicated port' and the port is 465. I use the same for connection type for POP on port 995. See if those settings help at all.

 Hello Marck,

 You wrote:

MP>> My first guess would be that the hotel wifi blocks port 25 to prevent MP>> guests spambot infested systems spewing junk from their connection.

My wife reports that the same problem is happening in our home office.

MP>> It is highly
MP>> possible that your personal domain email accounts are not configured
MP>> to use TLS, SLL or StartTLS so get blocked from using port 25.

My SMTP connection is "Secure on regular port (STARTTLS)". and, that
 port is 587.

It seems that I need to explore with my e-mail host service,
 1&1.com, the basis for this problem.
I have had problems posting this so hope it comes through - thank you Marck for helping.

I am having the same problems with 1&1 and TB. It has been flaky over the last couple of days but now it won't work.

I had a long conversation with 1&1 but were unable to help. Seems to be tied up with authentication.

I have now set up my account in emClient and copied the settings across and it works ok. I am using POP3

I am using the following settings in eMClient

Port 587
Security policy "Force usage of SSS/TLS
Server requires Authentication Ticked
port 993
Security policy "Use SSS/TLS on special port (legacy)
Authentication "Use identity credentials"

The security credentials were auto selected by eMClient by negotiation with the server.

These settings do not directly relate to TB, and I don't understand why this should suddenly happen when nothing has changed with me. I have even restored an earlier image to check that aspect.

Hope this is of some help to you



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