On Mon, 06 Jun 2016 02:02:48 -0700, Harald Faber <rezk...@gmx.de> wrote:

Hi all,

I have found the following thread in a German TheBat board:


The trouble might have to do with SPF which has been introduced for 1und1, gmx, web.de:

http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/United-Internet-verschaerft-Spam-Bekaempfung-3225281.html (German)

Up to now there are two options to be able to send mails via client again:

1. Update TheBat to v.6.6 or higher. They work and cause no trouble. For me it costs money for the upgrade: 19,95 Eur for the Home version, 29,95 Eur for the pro version (both plus taxes)

2. Use a different Email-client like Thunderbird which costs 0 Eur.

I have not decided yet what I will do. As I use Voyager, I'd need to upgrade my pro version for almost 40 Euro which also *might* solve my other issue with TheBat crashing with "TMail message released before its use". OTOH if that crash does not get fixed, it would be a 40 Eur for a single "bugfix", because the current version I have, 5.x, does all I need and want concerning functionality. I think I will take a look at Thunderbird and all its functions and plugins whether they can compete with TheBat concerning filters, address books, postbox inspector and templates.

And it would make a possible switch from Windows to Linux definitely more attractive, or does Ritlabs plan to release a Mac or Linux version?

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

For those contemplating using a different email client, I'd suggest trying out Opera's stand-alone client. I've found it preferable to Thunderbird, in that it uses far fewer system resources, more in line with what The Bat! uses. With IMAP, the only issue is that it will stop perpetual syncing and it takes a couple of minutes to load the email content. I've taken to using it due to The Bat! frequently crashing when opening certain emails.
Lore Galore
Using The Bat! v7.1.18 on Windows 6.3 Build 9600

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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